I read another news story today that really made me sit up and say "What?" The link is here for you to read if you want to, but allow me to summarize. A man in Florida went to cash a pay check at a bank where he does not have an account. The teller, according to bank policy, asked the man for two forms of identification and to provide his thumb print. While a seemingly innocuous request for most bank patrons, Steve Valdez provided the two forms of identification but was unable to provide a thumb print. That's right, I said "unable" not "unwilling." You see, Mr. Valdez was born without arms, and therefore by extension, without thumbs.
It is at this point where common sense should take over. The teller should have thought, "I have a customer in front of me who has an obvious reason for an inability to provide a thumb print but he has provided two forms of ID. We can probably work with him." The teller did approach her supervisor for clarification and assistance and the supervisor said that it was bank policy to require a thumb print.
It is at this moment when I would have clearly offered to provide the supervisor with the imprint of another part of my anatomy but thankfully Mr. Valdez did not take that approach. However, he was not able to get his check cashed...he could have if his wife had come with him (sounds like getting a permission slip in elementary school) or if he opened up an account at this bank.
The point is this folks--don't hide behind the "It's company policy" line. Hiding behind this lame, overused excuse is no reason to violate individual rights.